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Breastfeeding Promotion

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A video series to help raise awareness and improve knowledge around the practice of breastfeeding. 

Mother holding and smiling at baby.

Audience: Community health education; Community health workers

Languages: Afrikaans; English; Xhosa

Format: Videos

Key topics: Breastfeeding; Safe and unsafe feeding practices; Challenges faced by new mothers

In South Africa, exclusive breastfeeding rates remain among the lowest in the world. Raising awareness around the benefits of breastfeeding and improving maternal knowledge around how to breastfeed their babies is a critical part of the solution to this public health problem.

In collaboration with UNICEF, the South African National Department of Health, the Western Cape Department of Health, local academic institutions, and community-based groups, we developed an engaging video series to help raise awareness and improve knowledge around the practice of breastfeeding. A special version was also created for the training of frontline health workers on how to better communicate these critical health messages to the families they serve.

Access Resources

This project includes nine videos, free for use under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. 


Content Guide

VideoYouTubeDM WebsiteDM App
Breastfeeding: How it worksPlayDownload


The benefits of breastfeeding mothersPlayDownload


What happened to the practice of breastfeeding?PlayDownload


Breastfeeding international recommendationsPlayDownload


Breastfeeding challenges faced by many new mothersPlayDownload


Safe infant feeding practices for mothers who are not breastfeedingPlayDownload


Unsafe infant feeding practicesPlayDownload


Breastfeeding for working mothersPlayDownload


Breastfeeding for HIV+ mothers in under-resourced settingsPlayDownload


What Happened to the Practice of Breastfeeding? | View and download all resources

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