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COVID-19 and Intimate Partner Violence

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Inform health workers and community members about the complexities of intimate partner violence while navigating the challenges the pandemic has created in seeking help.

Audience: Community health education

Languages: English; Spanish

Format: Videos

Key topics: Intimate Partner Violence; COVID-19

Globally, 1 in 3 women will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime. 

The COVID-19 crisis exacerbated existing difficulties for intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors to access resources, new and existing. Risk factors known to be correlated with IPV increased, such as financial, medical, and emotional stressors, disproportionately impacting communities of color. Resources and help systems that were once reliable and consistent closed down, migrated to online services, or were confusing for survivors and their friends and families. Many IPV hotlines and shelters experienced a decrease in call volumes, and judicial proceedings were paused entirely or moved to online platforms.

Community health workers (CHWs) and educators can serve a vital role in supporting survivors through education, empowerment, and connection to resources, during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. We know CHWs are trusted and knowledgeable aides for people experiencing IPV, and are key players in bridging the gap between survivors and access to help. However, lack of health worker training around IPV paired with reduced medical encounters during COVID-19 have made it harder for people to securely reach out to CHWs, and for CHWs to reach out to survivors who could possibly be isolated.

We worked with Stanford University’s Department of Emergency Medicine and the community-based organization Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence to create a video series that aims to better inform health workers, community members, and survivors about the complexities of IPV, while navigating the challenges the pandemic has created in seeking help.

Access Resources

This training includes 13 videos. All materials are free for use under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license. 

Content Guide

Module 1: COVID-19 Education

COVID-19: Science of the virusPlay
COVID-19: PreventionPlay
COVID-19: Self-Isolation and Self-QuarantinePlay
COVID-19: Myths and MisinformationPlay
COVID-19: VaccinesPlay
COVID-19: TelehealthPlay
COVID-19: In-Person Healthcare During the PandemicPlay

Module 2: Intimate Partner Violence

COVID-19's Impact on Intimate Partner ViolencePlay
Healthy Versus Unhealthy RelationshipsPlay
Recognizing Unhealthy RelationshipsPlay
Reproductive CoercionPlay
Physicians as AlliesPlay
Supporting Friends and FamilyPlay

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