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Grow Great: Stunting Prevention & Healthy Child Development

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An animated video series that explains how stunting can be prevented through nutrition, routine immunization, bonding, and other health practices. 

Screenshot from animated video depicting a variety of health foods to educate on pregnancy during nutrition.

Audience: Community members

Languages: English; Sepedi; Setswana; Swati; Xhosa; Zulu

Format: Videos

Key topics: Stunting; Nutrition; Breastfeeding; Mental health; Pregnancy; Child development

At present, 1 in 4 children in South Africa is stunted. Stunting prevents children worldwide from achieving their full potential – it impairs a child’s brain development, performance in school, and learning ability for the rest of their life, and it can begin even before a baby is born. 

Although stunting is largely irreversible, it is preventable. 

We created this educational video series with the Grow Great Campaign in South Africa for community health education and for health workers to use as teaching tools with patients. The content is being shared through multiple local collaborators in South Africa, including community health workers, clinics, NGOs, and the South African Department of Health.

"The videos are well-liked in the community. They are simple and easy to understand, and short so people keep their attention."

- Collaborators sharing content in English and SiSwati in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

"Nutrition During Pregnancy"

Access Resources

This project includes 10 animated videos, free for use under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.


Content Guide

VideoYouTubeDigital Medic websiteDigital Medic app
What is stunting?PlayDownload


How to recognize pregnancyPlayDownload


Nutrition during pregnancyPlayDownload


Danger signs during pregnancyPlayDownload


Routine immunization, Vitamin A supplements, & dewormingPlayDownload


Feeding your family on a budgetPlayDownload


Breastfeeding in the workplacePlayDownload


Mental health support for new mothersPlayDownload


Complementary feeding: What first foods can babies eat?PlayDownload


Bonding with your babyPlayDownload


Rehabilitating Malnourished Children at HomePlayDownload


Feeding Your Family on a Budget | View and download all resources

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