Blog Posts
How Does Entertainment Education Fit Into Breastfeeding Conversations?
Story-based videos help diffuse patient apprehension and encourage greater discussion with health workers.
February 21, 2021
COVID-19 Education Through mHealth Networks
"Effective [vaccine] implementation will require training, education and communication, adapted for language and literacy levels, in order for CHWs to remain up to date."
June 18, 2020
5 Tips for Spotting Health Misinformation
When evaluating a health claim, ask yourself these 5 questions to avoid spreading misinformation and disinformation.
May 28, 2020
Debunking Global COVID-19 Myths
To combat the fear and misinformation spreading almost faster than the virus itself, Dr. Seema Yasmin joins us to debunk myths and share evidence-based COVID-19 information.
April 14, 2020
Safeguarding the Mental Health of Child Immigrants
Thousands of immigrant children have been forcibly separated from their families at the US border. During interviews, it’s crucial to avoid retraumatization.
November 08, 2019
Digital Medic Mobile App Available for iOS and Android
Learn how our new mobile app increases access to essential health education, even in remote areas without reliable WiFi or data connectivity.
September 16, 2019
Qhawe’s Story
A new star is lighting up the production team at Digital Medic's office in Cape Town. Her name is Qhawe Nkopane and she is Digital Medic's youngest voice actor.
September 25, 2018